Monday, April 9, 2012

Speculation on the price of Oil (pardon the pun)

For 20-40 years politicos have been barking about drilling more and excuses not to drill more. Independence from foreign oil is actually a National Security issue and should be of utmost importance when considering the prospects.  (Unless the top secret is that we cannot reduce our dependence on foreign oil by secret treaty, treatise, or just fear of what will happen if we don't pay the [terrorist] bullies the [protection] money.)

I think it is well established that the price of oil is not free market and not dependent upon supply and demand.  Like most everything else, it's a gamble on perceived future supply and demand. So the arguments that opening more domestic drilling would not help in a shorter term are absurd. The perceived futures of supply and demand change in favor of supply and would drive the price down in the near term, how much is anybody's guess.

Besides the fact that having started more drilling 20 years ago, we might be free from dependence on foreign oil, God forbid.

They try to say that Education is a National Security issue.  Well, look at the state of education in the Federal hands.  But keep looking at what that hand is doing so you don't see what the other hand is NOT doing.

True National Security issues go so far beyond the scope of this single post.  Suffice it to say, what are they really doing (vs. what they lie about doing) if it is really true that they have closed 2 of the largest northeast refineries.  Soon coal plants will be "necessarily" bankrupted.

What are they doing to our nation.