Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Autism Awareness Month - April

A month for this, a day for that, an hour... One Autism Awareness Day was in March.

Anyway, it's more important this year knowing (95%+) that I have Aspergers (a nondescript variant thereof), though it should be extremely important anyway.

Aspergers has many symptoms similar to other Autism but is often called "high-functioning Autism." After all I took my B average (higher aptitude) to college with a term earned in High School and went 13 straight terms to get a double BS in 3 years and a quarter. Same B average, with electives all taken up by high-level Mathematics courses.

I used to always want a PhD but medications make it so that my mind isn't what it used to be. I did manage A or A- for my MS being all major (computer science) courses.

Oddly (maybe) this was probably the easiest of my ailments to come to terms with. I already knew similarities to Autism in socialization and some other. Extreme sensitivity to noise that creeped from many years ago to over-the-top in more recent years, different types of vertigo as if youth car-sickness came back with a vengeance, and panic disorder have thrown me for loops (pardon the pun).

I watched a video on YouTube (I should have found to link) that highlights light and noise sensitivity for Autism. It is very different, but similar in familiar ways. So many things could not be simulated. It's heartbreaking that more and more children suffer from this by living in an increasingly hostile world every day.

Much more needs to be done in terms of research, less in charity CEO and staff salaries, more awareness, and less of "scientific studies" finding what they look for.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad2
(then deleted because of where it was put and edited then reposted)